Fire force gay pron

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I guess people think he's closeted because Trudy is in love with him, but that has more to do with the fact that she's severely brain-damaged.' In an interview about Reno 911 and his character Dangle, Lennon says, 'There's always this question, 'When's Dangle coming out?' and I'm like, 'Have you seen the show?' On the first episode, he makes out with another man for about two minutes.

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Unfortunately, his jeans caught fire, forcing Dangle to cut the bottom parts of his pants off, resulting in the hot-pants he currently wears.ĭangle is gay.

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Lieutenant James 'Jim' Ronald Dangle (played by Thomas Lennon) is the flamboyant highest-ranking deputy in the department and is usually seen wearing his trademark short-shorts, which he claims that he wears for 'mobility.' In a season 6 episode where the officers watch a video of themselves in the late 1980s, Dangle is seen wearing full-length jeans.

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